The phenol peel is a monumental technique. Many times, it appears that patients consulting for a facelift or a head and neck surgery do not suffer from loosening of the tissues but simply from poor skin quality. The facelift is not always necessary and most of the time we can propose less invasive procedures: laser, pulsed light (IPL), LED or a deep chemical peel (phenol).
However, when presented with worn out skin, with deep wrinkles and many discolorations it is necessary to act in depth and efficiently.
That’s why we choose the phenol peel, a deep chemical peel that is performed under local anesthesia with neuroleptics.
After applying the product, a mask with adhesive is made for the first night. The next day, it is removed and a mask of mimosa ointment is applied for a week to limit the inflammatory phenomena due to the deep peeling phenol.
A week later, the patient takes off her mask herself with Bepanthene cream in front of the mirror and the result is amazing.
After a phenol peel, the face is smooth, uniform, revitalized, and slightly rosy. Subsequently, LED sessions are performed for one month to accelerate the disappearance of redness and to achieve optimal results.